Here comes new SAGA for iswara model replacement..looks tough n create a new species of new SAGA from Proton..Proton also in progress to developed a new design replacement for Savy too..hopefully they can keep the DNA identity to all of their models..hehe what can i see now they're still searching to maintain 1 DNA..perhaps this is the one..
Gambar yang membuatkan aku penat mencari serata internet tp xjumpa..terpaksa mintak tolong kawan di Msia gak lastly..
Apa2 pon terima kasih kerana bersusah payah menolong, budimu akan ku kenang n akan ku letakkan nama kt dissertation ku nnt..InsyaAllah n lebih2 lagi mintak maaf atas sebab gambaq ni la jugak yg create problem..hehehe tq
Time is already 5 o'clock in the mornin but i'm still not sleepy..almost up to 1 week i'm stayin up late..why??? Apa lagi study punya pasai la n plus masalah sampingan yg xleh dielakkan..ermm so complicated our life..but we have to cherish it by anyway or anyhow.. While doin my editing for pilot study,i'm thinkin of 'bubur asyura' back already 10th Muharram now,every year this time around i'll be busy looking n searching for ingredient for making bubuq sora (loghat kedah)..hehehe well this year xdak kot..maybe next year jika umur panjang..InsyaAllah..